

+92-21-111 123 (ERP) 337


"We Value, Encourage and Foster a Culture of Acceptance"

Employee Incident Management Software in Pakistan 2023

TimeTrax Incident Management System:

Modules Heading - Efrotech

Improves organization’s productivity by time-stamping positive & negative incidents of employees and subsequent actions taken. Incident history is readily available at the time of performance review.

Incident Management Benefits & Features:

Modules Heading - Efrotech

Create incident categories like absenteeism, discipline, health & safety, negligence, etc.

Create incident types like disobedience, willful damage, breach of law, habitual absence, etc.

Incident assignment of employee with details and file attachment option.

Take action against incident like terminate, suspend, increment stop, card hold, counseling, etc. or reward for the positive incident.

Assign warning to employee and warning reasons.

Complete list of incidents.

Incident details and summary reports.

Intimation on Home Page for the list of employees having incidents more than X number of times.

Incident Management Workflow:

Modules Heading - Efrotech
Incident Management Software Workflow