

+92-21-111 123 (ERP) 337


"Surveys CREATE a Culture of HIGH Productivity"

Employee Engagement Survey Software in Pakistan 2023

TimeTrax Employee Survey Management System:

Modules Heading - Efrotech

A robust employee survey management module that provides hands-on information, accurate employee insights into attitude changes and engagement activities.

Employee Survey Management Benefits & Features:

Modules Heading - Efrotech

Creation of surveys with questions & answers instantly.

Addition and amendment of question group.

Employees can respond to surveys & previous employee survey records are accessible any time.

Surveys can be set up with validity period and employee filters.

Notifications of pending surveys on home page.

Create survey templates with title, questions, description, weightage, question group, etc.

Survey results are available in graphical and tabular format.

Upload survey through Excel template.

Employee Survey Management Workflow:

Modules Heading - Efrotech
Employee Survey Management Software Workflow